Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Terrorism, with enough will and determination can be quashed! - YJ Draiman

Terrorism, with enough will and determination can be quashed!

Demonstration of a million people against terrorism is nice, but it is only the initial action. In the past generation terrorism has escalated and is now accelerating beyond control.

The real demand by the masses of the free world is to call for, that immediate action with force and unrestricted international cooperation to fight, crush and eliminate terrorism.

The terrorist infrastructure and financing must be eliminated. Let the terrorists know under no circumstances that terror and violence will not be tolerated.

Let the leaders and politicians know that if they do not go after terrorism in earnest without personal political reasons, that they will not be elected again. This is no time for politicking, but actions and results, the future of the world as we know it, depends on it.

Put all politics aside - fighting and quashing terrorism is a matter of world survival.

The world needs to put together immediately an International task forces to fight terrorism and Muslim extremists. It needs to be a well trained force with substantial resources and manpower as well as an International intelligence cooperation with no restriction. It has to be a unified and cohesive battle to abolish terrorism at all costs.

Let the terrorists know that there is no hole they can hide in, that the world terrorist task force and other law enforcement agencies will get them wherever they are. We must shut off all their resources, financing, financial institutions and any source that supply them with any kind of support; weaponry, economic, information, etc. whatsoever.

I urge the world powers at large to take these terrorist events seriously with utmost urgency. The situation is at a critical stage and if immediate all out action is not taken in all parts of the world, terror and mayhem will take over the world and we will not be able to stop it.

Just imagine if one of those terrorist got a hold of a nuclear suitcase bomb. Do I need to describe it any further.

Is there a leader today (please stand up) in the free world who can take the bull by the horn and initiate this global war on terrorism.

YJ Draiman

P.S. Fighting terrorism is not unlike fighting a deadly cancer. It can not be treated just where it is visible - every diseased cell in the body must be destroyed.

When a poison strikes the human body, the only way to address it, is to remove it and destroy it completely. That is the way the terrorist organizations should be treated.


  1. We are out to reiterate, time and again: When the Arabs, including the Arabs of Gaza, put their weapons down, peace will reign. When the Jews, including the Jews of the State of Israel, put their weapons down, the State of Israel will be a thing of the past and the six million Jews in our homeland will follow the footsteps of the hundreds of thousands of Arabs slaughtered by their fellow Arabs in Syria and elsewhere.

    This flotilla that originated in Sweden is nothing short of a PR to try and have the Jews put down their weapons and capitulate to its demise.

    We, the People of Israel, i.e. and the Jewish People worldwide, say: NEVER AGAIN!!
    Two-State Solution - The Jews East of Jordan river - The Arabs on the West.
    After all the British gave away 77% of the land allocated to the Jewish people to Arab Jordan in violation of the Mandate.
    "It has been 66 years since the United Nations General Assembly recommended and approved the Partition Plan for Palestine and the struggle to implement a 'two-state solution' began. Today, we are no closer to that end. That reminds me of the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. By that definition, everyone who continues to cling to the delusion of a two-state solution is insane. There is no such thing as a two-state solution.
    It cannot work, it has not worked, and it will never work...
    The two-state solution can never work when one of the domains, the Palestinian state, does not even acknowledge the other state’s (Israel‘s) right to exist and has as its entire purpose in life wiping Israel off the face of the earth.
    Never will peace come when one side possesses such hate and routinely expresses that hate through violence and blood. It is time to let go of another two-state-solution insanity..." The Arabs also persecuted and expelled over a million Jewish families and their children who lived in the Arab countries over 2,400 years from their countries, the Arabs confiscated their personal assets, businesses, homes and Real estate property 5-6 times the size of Israel - 120,440 sq. km. many of the Jewish souls died while leaving the Arab countries due to violence, hardship and starvation. Most of the Jewish families expelled from Arab countries have been resettled in Greater Israel.

  2. Little girl and her father were crossing a bridge.
    The father was kind of scared so he asked his little daughter,
    "Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river."
    The little girl said, "No, Dad. You hold my hand."
    "What's the difference?" Asked the puzzled father.
    "There's a big difference," replied the little girl.
    "If I hold your hand, and something happens to me.
    Chances are that I may let you hand go.
    But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens,
    You will never let my hand go."
    In any relationship, the essence of trust is not in the blind, but in the bond.

    So hold the hand of the person who loves you rather than expecting them to hold yours".
    This message is too short" but carries a lot of Feelings.

  3. Under International Law and Treaties – An Arab-Palestinian State cannot be established in Greater Israel
    The Exclusive Political Rights and the Palestine Mandate territory was Granted To Jewish people to reconstitute their ancestral homeland of 4,000 years In April 1920 At San Remo (confirmed by the 1920 treaty of Sevres and Lausanne).
    San Remo Agreement of 1920 that established the British Mandate for Palestine. It granted the Jews exclusive collective political rights to Palestine, in trust, to vest when the Jews had attained a population majority. The San Remo agreement of 1920 states that only the Jewish people can set-up its own government. In violation of the of the agreement the British allocated over 77% of the Jewish land to the Arabs named Trans-Jordan.
    Now you want to allocate more Jewish land to the Arab-Palestinians, again in violation of International treaties and agreements. This would create two Arab countries and one Jewish country greatly reduced in its original land allocation. This is in violation of International law and the San Remo agreement which was adapted by the League of Nations and signed by 51 member countries.
    Under the law we must address the persecution and expulsion of over a million Jewish families from Arab countries and the Arab confiscation of Jewish assets and Real estate property 75,000 sq. mi.. In addition many Jewish people died during those Arab pogroms against its Jewish population who lived in the Arab countries over 2,400 years.
    YJ Draiman

  4. Under International Law and Treaties – An Arab-Palestinian State cannot be established in Greater Israel
    The Exclusive Political Rights and the Palestine Mandate territory was Granted To Jewish people to reconstitute their ancestral homeland of 4,000 years In April 1920 At San Remo (confirmed by the 1920 treaty of Sevres and Lausanne).
    San Remo Agreement of 1920 that established the British Mandate for Palestine. It granted the Jews exclusive collective political rights to Palestine, in trust, to vest when the Jews had attained a population majority. The San Remo agreement of 1920 states that only the Jewish people can set-up its own government. In violation of the of the agreement the British allocated over 77% of the Jewish land to the Arabs named Trans-Jordan.
    Now you want to allocate more Jewish land to the Arab-Palestinians, again in violation of International treaties and agreements. This would create two Arab countries and one Jewish country greatly reduced in its original land allocation. This is in violation of International law and the San Remo agreement which was adapted by the League of Nations and signed by 52 member countries.
    Under the law we must address the persecution and expulsion of over a million Jewish families from Arab countries and the Arab confiscation of Jewish assets and Real estate property 75,000 sq. mi. valued in the trillions of dollars. In addition many Jewish people died during those Arab pogroms against its Jewish population who lived in the Arab countries over 2,400 years.
    YJ Draiman
