Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Judea and Samaria aka the West Bank belong to Israel. These areas are Jewish areas of the State of Israel - YJ Draiman

Judea and Samaria aka the West Bank belong to Israel. These areas are Jewish
areas of the State of
The San Remo Resolution of 1920 “recognized the exclusive national Jewish rights to the Land of Israel under international law, on the strength of the historical connection of the Jewish people to the territory previously known as Palestine. The outcome of this declaration gave birth to the ‘Mandate for Palestine,’ an historical League of Nations document that laid down the Jewish legal right to settle anywhere in western Palestine, between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.” (This document clearly establishes that Israeli settlements are completely legal.)
The world must understand that our people are called Jews because we come from Judea. The fact remains that these territories are an integral part of the State of Israel, and have always been connected to the Jewish people.
"It should be remembered that in 1918, with the fall of the Ottoman Empire,
Britain and France were handed more than 5,000,000 square miles to divvy up and 99% was given to the Arabs to create countries that did not exist previously. Less than 1% was given as a Mandate for the re-establishment of a state for the Jews on both banks of the Jordan River. In 1921, to appease the Arabs once again, another
three quarters of that less than 1% was given to a fictitious state called
Trans-Jordan." (Jack Berger,
May 31, 2004.)
The total for all the 22 Arab League countries set-up after WW1 is 6,145,389 square miles (SM). By comparison, all 50 states of the United States have a total of 3,787,318 SM. Israel has 8,463 SM, about one-sixth of that of the State of Michigan. Iran, Turkey, Pakistan and Afghanistan are Muslim but not Arab and are not included.
World Arab population: 300 million; World Jewish population: 13.6 million; Israel's Jewish population: 5.4 million. (Dr. Wilbert Simkovitz, http://dehai.org/archives/deha...
"... during the late 1940s, more than 50 million refuges around the world were resettled, except for one people. They [Palestinian Arabs] remain defined as refugees,
wallowing 60 years later in 59 UNRWA refugee camps, financed by $400 million
contributed annually by nations of the world to nurture the promise of the
"right of return" to Arab neighborhoods and Arab villages from 1948 that no longer exist." (Noam Bedein,
Jerusalem Post, January 6, 2009.)
Some 990,000 Jewish families were persecuted and forced to leave the Arab countries while their assets including 120,440 sq. km of Real estate property confiscated by the Arabs and valued in the trillions of dollars, when they were forced to flee for their lives
from the Arab countries in the 1940s. They hold deeds for five to six times
Israel's size. (Independent Media Centre, Winnipeg)

Re Israel's irrevocable ownership of Israel, Golan, Samaria, Judea and Gaza:
"Nothing that Israel's legal system says can change the facts that: (1) the legal binding 1920 San Remo treaty and the confirmation of the Mandate for Jewish-Palestine by  the League of Nations and (2) the obligations of the Jewish Mandate for Palestine are valid in perpetuity." (Professor Julius Stone) The U.N, cannot create states. it can only recommend.
"By 1918 the Ottoman Empire had exercised undisputed sovereignty over Jewish-Palestine for 400 years. In Article 95 of the treaty of Sevres, that sovereignty was transferred to England in trust for a national homeland for the Jewish people. The local Arabs had never exercised sovereignty over Palestine and so they lost nothing. Their rights were fully protected by a provisio in the grant: '...it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine...' The proviso has been fully observed by the Israelis. Since 1950 the Arabs have built some 261 new settlements in Judea and Samaria — more than twice as many as the Jews, but you never hear of them. They fill them with Arabs from Lebanon, Egypt and Jordan and by the grace of God they become Palestinians.
Allah hu Akbar! The Arabs call
Judea "the West Bank' because they would look silly claiming that Jews are illegally living in Judea." (Comment by Wallace Brand on Martin Peretz "Narrative Dissonance" The New Republic, July 1, 2009)

Israel should inform the Arabs that any disturbances or attacks will be dealt with ejection of those people and the area will be off limits to the Arabs.
This is Israel the Jewish home and any threats or violent actions against the
Jewish people or visitors will be dealt with the most extreme action by the
Israeli authorities.
The Jewish people have the right to live in peace and harmony without threats
or fear of violence.
The Israeli government prides itself that it gives access to all people for all religions to worship any and all religious sites. How come Jews cannot have access to all religious sites, this is unacceptable.
Judea and Samaria is Jewish land and Jews must be permitted to settle anywhere in Judea and Samaria (See the 1920 San Remo Treaty confirmed by the 1920 treaty of Sevres and Lausanne).
It is insanity to try and make peace with people who are raining and educating their children and the masses to commit terror and violence, reiterating to everyone that they want to kill all the Jews and have no respect for human life.
YJ Draiman

Balfour declaration of 1917
After WWI the Allied powers under the 1920 San Remo agreement set-up the British Mandate. The League of Nations (and later, the UN) has given the British a mandate for Palestine after they took control from the Ottoman Empire. In 1948 Jordan occupied part of the territory Judea and Samaria nowadays called “West Bank”, otherwise known as Judea and Samaria, and Egypt occupied Gaza, areas that were re-taken and liberated by Israel in the June 1967 war. Jordan annexed the Judea and Samaria aka West Bank (a move unrecognized by anyone except UK and Pakistan) and has renounced the annexation since. These areas are therefore “orphans” in terms of statehood, and this should be included in the discussion of the legality of Israeli’s living in Judea and Samaria. We must also review the 1920 San
Remo Agreement and its implications on the exclusive political rights of the
Jews and the allocation of the land to the Jewish people which includes
Trans-Jordan. It also stated that Jews can live anywhere within the Mandate of Palestine and it also incorporated the Balfour Declaration.

Preventing Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria is a violation of international law and League of Nations
The “Mandate” Defined Where Jews Are and Are Not Permitted to Settle
The “Mandate for Palestine” document did not set final borders. It left this for the Mandatory to stipulate in a binding appendix to the final document in the form of a memorandum. However, Article 6 of the “Mandate” clearly states:
“The Administration of Palestine, while ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced, shall facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions and shall encourage, in co-operation with the Jewish agency referred to in Article 4, close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes.”
"It should be remembered that in 1918, with the fall of the Ottoman Empire, Britain and France were handed more than 5,000,000 square miles to divvy up and 99% was given to the Arabs to create countries that did not exist previously. Less than 1% was given as a Mandate for the re-establishment of a state for the Jews on both banks of the Jordan River. In 1921, to appease the Arabs once again, another three quarters of that less than 1% was given to a fictitious state called Trans-Jordan." (Jack Berger, May 31, 2004.)
The total for all the 22 Arab League countries is 6,145,389 square miles (SM). By comparison, all 50 states of the United States have a total of 3,787,318 SM. Israel has 8,463 SM, about one-sixth of that of the State of Michigan. Iran, Turkey, Pakistan and Afghanistan are Muslim but not Arab and are not included.
World Arab population: 300 million; World Jewish population: 13.6 million; Israel's Jewish population: 5.4 million. (Dr. Wilbert Simkovitz, http://dehai.org/archives/deha...
"... during the late 1940s, more than 40 million refuges around the world were resettled, except for one people. They [Palestinian Arabs] remain defined as refugees, wallowing 60 years later in 59 UNRWA refugee camps, financed by $400 million contributed annually by nations of the world to nurture the promise of the "right of return" to Arab neighborhoods and Arab villages from 1948 that no longer exist." (Noam Bedein, Jerusalem Post, January 6, 2009.)
Some 990,000 Jewish families were forced to leave behind $3 trillion in assets when they were forced to flee for their lives from the Arab countries in the 1940s. They hold deeds for five times Israel's size. (Independent Media Centre, Winnipeg - 120,440 sq. km.)

Re Israel's irrevocable ownership of Israel, Golan, Samaria, Judea and Gaza:
The 1920 Treaty of San Remo the Jewish Magna Carts. "Nothing that Israel's legal system says can change the facts that: (1) the legal binding document is the Mandate of the League of Nations and (2) the obligations of the Mandate are valid in
perpetuity." (Professor Julius Stone)
"By 1920 the Ottoman Empire had exercised undisputed sovereignty over Palestine for 400 years. In Article 95 of the treaty of Sevres, that sovereignty was transferred to England in trust for a national homeland for the Jewish people.

The local Arabs had never exercised sovereignty over Palestine and so they lost nothing. Their rights were fully protected by a provisio in the grant: '...it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine...' The proviso has been fully observed by the Israelis. Since 1950 the Arabs have built some 261 new settlements in Judea and Samaria — more than twice as many as the Jews, but you never hear of them. They fill them with Arabs from Lebanon, Egypt and Jordan and by the grace of God they become Palestinians.
Allah hu Akbar! The Arabs call Judea "the West Bank' because they would look silly claiming that Jews are illegally living in Judea." (Comment by Wallace Brand on Martin Peretz "Narrative
Dissonance" The New Republic, July 1, 2009)

Here is some information that you need to know about the Arab-Palestinians.
There never has been, there is not now and there never will be an Arab country called "Palestine" in Greater Israel - west of the Jordan river.
The Arab-Palestinians-Muslims squatting on Jewish land in and around Israel are overwhelmingly either descendants of invaders, illegal immigrants or trespassers.
The term "Arab-Palestinian" was popularized after the Six Day War in '67 in an attempt to delegitimize Israel.
There are already 21 Arab-Palestinians-Muslim dominated countries spread out over a few millions square miles of territory, including most of Jordan which was part of the Jewish allocated land under the 1920 San Remo treaty and confirmed by the League of Nations in 1922. It also stated that the Jewish people are to set up their own government and none other. The Arabs also persecuted and expelled over a million Jewish families and their children who lived in the Arab countries over 2,400 years from their countries, the Arabs confiscated their personal assets, businesses, homes and Real estate property 5-6 times the size of Israel - 120,440 sq. km. many of the Jewish souls died while leaving the Arab countries due to violence, hardship and starvation. Most of the Jewish families expelled from Arab countries have been resettled in Greater Israel.
The Arab-Palestinians-Moslems are not interested in creating a 22nd Arab controlled country.
Their only desire is to annihilate the one and only Jewish state.
The Quran states: "And We said thereafter to the Children of Israel "Dwell securely in the land (of ... (Holy Quran 17:104).
(Surah Al-Ma’ida, verse 21), and the other (Surah Al-Shara’a, verse 59) says that the
land was bequeathed to the Jews.
Under the 1920 International Laws and Treaties – An Arab-Palestinian State cannot be
established in Greater Israel on Jewish land allocated to the Jewish people under the
San Remo international agreement of 1920 and confirmed by all the members in thee League of Nations and signed by 51 member states.
Jordan is the Palestinian State - The land originally allocated to the Jewish people,
The British violated the agreement and gave it to the Arabs.

YJ Draiman

Combating Delegitimization
How can we overcome this challenge?
The Jewish community needs to mobilize itself and partner with outside organizations. It is imperative to gain allies from non-Jewish religious groups, business leaders, political leaders, scholars and other influential to speak on our behalf. We must also educate our friends and ourselves about the tools of Delegitimization. Only when we are aware of the attack and understand its motive, can we effectively respond. Finally, we must maintain a coordinated effort and remain vigilant of
the threats and assaults on Israel’s legitimacy. When threats and assaults arise, we must be quick to respond, and respond effectively using the necessary tools in our arsenal. IAN will be a repository for such tools, watch for potential threats, and provide actionable responses to communities to fight back.
How can I help fight Delegitimization?
IAN’s (Israel Action Network) Community Mobilization Manual, outlines 10 steps for combating Delegitimization in your communities:
• TIP 1: Understand the Challenge
• TIP 2: Is this Criticism or Delegitimization?
• TIP 3: Know your Facts; Do the Research
• TIP 4: Identify your Audience: Supporters; Opponents; Target Communities of Concerned Individuals and Organizations
• TIP 5: Take an Inventory of your Assets: People; Skills; Program; Missions; Cultural Events; Monetary Resources
• TIP 6: Map Out your Strategies
• TIP 7: Clean your Message Slate
• TIP 8: Engage
• TIP 9: Stay Connected and Networked
• TIP 10: Evaluate; Applaud Successes; Reward Advocates; Invest in What Works

No Arab Palestinian State on Jewish land
A better view is that the Jews obtained a beneficial interest in sovereignty over all of Palestine in the 1920 agreement at San Remo of a British Mandate for Palestine, that entrusted exclusive political or national rights in Palestine to Britain. The trust and guardianship was provided for the benefit of the World Jewry -- to vest when the Jews, a population minority of only 10% at the time, later matured into a legal interest. This vesting occurred at least by the time of the abandonment of the trusteeship by Britain in 1948 when the trust res devolved to the beneficiary, and in any event by the attainment of the Jews of a majority population in 1950.
The trusteeship was to be called a "mandate" as shown in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 22 of the League Covenant, but it was clearly based on the British legal concepts of trusts and guardianships.
The Arab Palestinian have no legal right to govern on the territory assigned to the Jewish people, According to the San Remo agreement signed by 51 member nations under the league of Nations, which later was taken over with all its treaties and obligations by the United Nation.
The British violated the Trust by giving about 77% of the Jewish promised land to King Abdullah who called it Trans-Jordan which is to day is named Jordan. Currently over 75% of the people living in Jordan are Arab Palestinians.
YJ Draiman

As long as the Palestinian Arabs teach hate to their children, there will never be peace.
Has Abbas the leader of the Palestinian Arabs or his people ever lived up to their promises or agreements? The answer is no.
What has changed, why should Israel trust them now. They teach their children to hate and violence and declare that they want to destroy Israel.
A real peace will be an economic boost to all the people in the region. It will create an economy that the rest of the world would envy.
In recent years Israel has discovered vast amounts of Natural Gas and Oil, the blackmail by the Arab
Oil producing nations is diminished. The United States and many other countries are discovering and developing new sources of Natural Gas and Oil, it will enhance the Energy independence of those countries and boost economic development.
YJ Draiman

Transfer all Arabs from Israel to Jewish Land and Homes confiscated by Arab Countries.
Prominent PLO Arab says there are no 'Palestinians' and no "Palestine"
PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein admitted in a March 31, 1977 interview with a Dutch newspaper Trouw.
"The Palestinian people do not exist. The creation of an Arab-Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct 'Palestinian people' to oppose Zionism. "
The Qur'an 17:104 - states the land belongs to the Jewish people.
YJ Draiman

Tell the United States to mind its own business and take care of business in the USA.
U.S. cannot and should not dictate to Israel what it should do or not do.
With this reasoning United States should give back the land to the American Indians and the Mexicans.
Greater Israel is not occupied territory it is the liberated land of the Jewish people and has been for over 3500 years.
Most of the Arabs living in Israel were brought in by the Jewish agriculture industry to work the fields in the 1800 thru early 1900. Those Arabs stayed in Israel and hundreds of thousands of Arabs crossed the borders illegally from 1920 thru 1947, while the British restricted Jewish immigration that caused the deaths of millions of Jews in Nazi concentration camps.
The Arabs never had a Country/State on Jewish territory in history except what was fraudulently taken from Jews by the British and given to Jordan in violation of the 1920 San Remo Treaty and the League of Nations vote after WWI, which is also the obligation of the United Nations. The Arabs expelled close to a million Jews from their countries and confiscated their assets, businesses, homes and Real estate property 120,440 sq. km., let the Arabs in Greater Israel resettle in those properties or Jordan and leave Israel.
Stop the Arab false information about Israel.
End the Unjust Arab Occupation of Jewish Land - The Qur'an
17:104 - states the land belongs to the Jewish people
YJ Draiman

Israel - the victors sued for peace and the vanquished Arabs called for unconditional surrender.
YJ Draiman

The Qur'an 17:104 - states the land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people.
Any building of housing in The Greater Israel is the right and duty of the Israeli government under international laws and treaties. There is no such a thing as occupied territory. It is the liberated land of Israel for over 3,500 years.
A two-state solution was implemented in 1922.
In violation of the 1920 San Remo treaty which was confirmed by the 1920 Treaty of Sevres and Lausanne, and according to the 1920 League of Nations Resolution, two-state solution was implemented in 1922 when British administration of occupied Israel violated international treaty, allocated more than 78% of Israel territory to Arab-Palestinians and created Transjordan (now Jordan) where today over 80 percent of the population identify themselves as Arab-Palestinians. The Arab Palestinians in Judea and Samaria aka West Bank have Jordanian passports. Every party, including UN, EU, US, etc., must respect and honor International treaties and League of Nations Resolutions, adopted those treaties and accepted by UN. Neither the League of Nations Nor the U.N. can assign and or dictate laws or territories of any country, they can only recommend and upon acceptance by both parties as a treaty it becomes valid. Since the Arabs refused time and again into signing a treaty any obligations or acceptance by Israel are null and void. Therefore, all so called Arab "Palestinians" must be relocated there. Enough stealing Israel land. Britain and Jordan and the Arab countries who expelled over a million Jewish families from Arab countries and confiscated their assets and Real estate property 120.440 sq. km. valued today in the trillions of dollars, (majority of those Jewish families expelled from Arab countries settled in Greater Israel) must compensate Israel and its people for stolen land and natural resources. Ref: article “Jewish legal rights to Judea and Samaria” By prominent International Law specialist Ted Belman, Legal Rights and Title of Sovereignty of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel and Palestine under International Law by Howard Grief, and  International law expert Julius Stone, and Eugene Rostow, Professor, Judge Stephen M. Schwebel, past President of the ICJ ... and agreed that Israel's rights would be reserved under Article 51 of the UN. and Cambridge Professor Sir Elihu Lauterpacht, Judge ad hoc of the International Court of Justice.
YJ Draiman

Israel’s Disproportionate Restraint.” 2
Israel is guilty of anything it’s of disproportionate restraint.
Israel has the right, duty and obligation to defend its citizens – Protect its borders
The brutal slaughter of a family of 5 in Itamar just shows that we
are dealing with a barbaric mentality.
Add to it the bomb at a bus stop in Jerusalem.
A rocket at a school bus.
The daily launching of rockets from Gaza against civilian population and schools.
No country and government that cares about its citizens would
tolerate such atrocities.
Terror should be handled in the following manner. When a poison
strikes the human body, the only way to address it, is to remove it and destroy
it completely.
It is a known fact that any country if attacked, its citizens kidnapped, rocket bombardment on a daily basis.
It is sad that innocent civilians are hurt, but that is the cost of war and conflict.
Any government and its citizen who do not resist terrorism and let
terrorist organization entrench themselves in their country and utilize those
countries as bases of armed terrorism against a neighboring country. Eventually
pays the price for permitting such actions.
If you gave the Arab population a vote in Israel and the west bank
and Jerusalem the option to vote freely and without intimidation, you would
find out, that they would rather be living under Israel’s government. They
derive more stability more benefits, pensions, welfare, etc.
If the United States or any other government were to be attacked
from across the border on a daily basis, have its citizens kidnapped, rockets
launched at them on a daily basis, the citizens would demand that immediate
military action be initiated with no holds barred, collateral damage or not.
That is the fact of life.
Terrorist and those who support them do not know what peace is,
they thrive on violence. That is the only way they control the masses. Any
negotiations or compromise only strengthen those terrorist organizations. When
a poison strikes the human body, the only way to address it, is to remove it
and destroy it completely.
There is no such thing as a “disproportioned response to terror.”
Our problem today is “Israel’s Disproportionate Restraint.”
This puts Israel and its citizens in grave danger.
When a poison strikes the human body, the only way to address it, is to remove
it and destroy it completely.
That is the way the terrorist organizations should be treated.
“Like all sovereign nations, Israel has not only a right, but
moreover, an obligation, to ensure the safety and security of her citizens”.
As quoted in a statement “the only time of a chance for peace is,
when the Arab mother would love her children more than she hates the Israelis.
The big mistake is that people are missing the economic benefits
for Israel
and its neighbors. That is if there was a true peace, you take the Israeli
Technology and know how, add to it the Arab labor and natural resources – and
you have an economic prosperity beyond your widest dreams.
Nothing will change, nothing can change until the Arab Palestinian
people recognize this reality; their greatest enemy is not Israel. The
greatest threat to the Palestinian people is, and always has been, their own
And Israel
cannot negotiate with Hamas, anymore than Chamberlain could negotiate with Herr
The Qur’an 17:104 – states the land belongs to the Jewish people
Every time there is a terrorist act, Israel should vacate an Arab
village and raze it.
Any Arab rioting and or throwing stones at Israelis and violating
Israeli laws – should be deported and his home destroyed.
There never was a Palestinian Arab State and there will never be an Arab Palestinian State
on Jewish land – Anyone who thinks that there is going to be one is delusional.
YJ Draiman

1947 Text of the Law Drafted by the Political Committee of the Arab League against the Jews in Arab countries


In 1947, the Political Committee of the Arab League (League of Arab States) drafted a law which was to govern the legal status of Jewish residents in all Arab League countries. This law had already been approved by Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Iraq, provided that, “beginning with a specified date, all Jews – with the exception of citizens of non-Arab countries – were to be considered members of the Jewish ‘minority state of Palestine,’ and that their bank account be frozen and used to finance resistance to ‘Zionist ambitions in Palestine.’ Jews believed to be active Zionists would be interned as political prisoners and their assets confiscated. Only Jews who accept active service in Arab armies or place themselves at the disposal of these armies would be considered ‘Arabs.’” 1
Excerpts of Direct Quotes of the Law drafted by the Political Committee of the Arab League
• “All Jewish citizens…will be considered as members of the Jewish minority of the State of Palestine and will have to register [“within 7 days”] with the authorities of the region wherein they reside, giving their names, the exact number of members in their families, their addresses, the names of their banks and the amounts of their deposits in these banks…”2
• “Bank accounts of Jews will be frozen. These funds will be utilized in part or in full to finance the movement of resistance to Zionist ambitions in Palestine.”3
• “Only Jews who are subjects of foreign countries will be considered ‘neutrals.’ These will be compelled either to return to their countries, with a minimum of delay, or be considered Arabs and obliged to accept active service in the Arab army.”4
• “Every Jew whose activities reveal that he is an active Zionist will be considered as a political prisoner and will be interned in places specifically designated for that purpose by police authorities or by the Government. His financial resources, instead of being frozen, will be confiscated.”5
• “Any Jew who will be able to prove that his activities are anti-Zionist will be free to act as he likes, provided that he declares his readiness to join the Arab armies.”6

• “The foregoing…does not mean that those Jews will not be submitted to paragraphs 1 and 2 of this law.”7

Memorandum Submitted to the U.N. Economic and Social Council by the World Jewish Congress. (Jan. 19, 1948) Section I. (2) a. June 2, 1948. [ZIIC - This reference is in the document prepared by JJAC and is probably incorrect]
2 Text of the Law drafted by the Political Committee of the Arab League. Paragraph 1.
3 ibid. Paragraph 2.
4 ibid. Paragraph 3.
5 ibid. Paragraph 5.
6 ibid. Paragraph 6.
7 ibid. Paragraph 7. (Paragraph 1 & 2 indicate all Jews must register and disclose personal and banking information and

that bank accounts will be frozen and utilized for anti-Zionist resistance.)

1947: Draft Arab League Law Against Jews (Excerpts) - Following the partition resolution of the United Nations, the Arab League drafted a proposed law that would force all Jewish citizens of member countries to register, and that would lead to freezing and confiscation of their assets, reminiscent of draconic Nazi-era legislation,


  1. Fighting terrorism is not unlike fighting a deadly cancer. It can not be treated just where it is visible - every diseased cell in the body must be destroyed. No matter what the name of the terrorist organization.
    I think you want to see a few more incidents like 911 before you change you liberal opinion that condone terrorism.

  2. You are forgetting a very important peace of information.
    In June 1967 After 3 days of war with Egypt and Syria. The Arabs told Jordan that they are advancing on Tel-Aviv and that they should join the war.
    Jordan started firing artillery, cannons at Israel and the Jordanian Army fired on Israel from the old city of Jerusalem and other locations.
    Israel contacted Jordan and informed them that if they stop military actions against Israel nothing will happen to them and Israel will not attack them to defend themselves.
    Jordan ignored the numerous warning and continued offensive military actions against Israel and its populations.
    Israel in defense of its country and its people responded in a defensive war and defeated the Jordanian army with heavy losses and liberated Judea and Samaria aka The West Bank and in a stunning victory Israel liberated its 3000 year old ancestral capital Jerusalem.
    Where now every religion can worship in peace without restrictions.
    It is a know fact in International law that in a defensive war - to the conqueror goes the spoils.
    The situation today is of the Arabs own doing.
    In 1987 Jordan officially relinquished all territorial claims to Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria. Just like the Ottoman empire after WW1 officially relinquished all claims to Palestine and other territories conquered by the allied powers.

    Israel - the victors sued for peace and the vanquished Arabs called for unconditional surrender.
    YJ Draiman.

    Cambridge Professor Sir Elihu Lauterpacht, Judge ad hoc of the International Court of Justice

  3. Was there a concerted effort to divide and weaken the Middle East after World War I?
    If so, to what end?
    Here are some breaking news: there was no Middle East to divide and weaken during WWI. There were no countries, no nations, no governments, no armies, no judicial systems and nothing else that resembles an array of countries.
    There was one, big, Ottoman Empire that ruled the Middle East since the 1500's and all the countries making the Middle East today were provinces of the Ottoman Empire which were ruled and taxed by Ottoman commissioners located in Damascus, Baghdad, etc.
    There was, however, a concreted effort to weak and erode the Ottoman Empire by the British and French even before WWI. The Ottomans knew it and tried to fight it. When WWI broke, the Ottomans were unprepared, economically and militarily, for a modern war and lost their centuries old Empire. The British and French re-designed the map of the Middle East and created new countries and so-called 'nations' without taking into account the religious and tribal conflicts in each new country (and I'm not talking about Palestine. This is one of the relatively small cases), as well as the tradition and the mentality of the people.
    So as for the original question: no, there was no attempt to weaken the Middle East after WWI. There was something much worse: an attempt to build it on foundations that never really existed by people who were totally clueless about what they were doing. The house of cards they built held for a century under tyranny and fear; Now it all goes down in flames.

  4. Was there a concerted effort to divide and weaken the Middle East after World War I?
    If so, to what end?
    Here are some breaking news: there was no Middle East to divide and weaken during WWI. There were no countries, no nations, no governments, no armies, no judicial systems and nothing else that resembles an array of countries.
    There was one, big, Ottoman Empire that ruled the Middle East since the 1500's and all the countries making the Middle East today were provinces of the Ottoman Empire which were ruled and taxed by Ottoman commissioners located in Damascus, Baghdad, etc.
    There was, however, a concreted effort to weak and erode the Ottoman Empire by the British and French even before WWI. The Ottomans knew it and tried to fight it. When WWI broke, the Ottomans were unprepared, economically and militarily, for a modern war and lost their centuries old Empire. The British and French re-designed the map of the Middle East and created new countries and so-called 'nations' without taking into account the religious and tribal conflicts in each new country (and I'm not talking about Palestine. This is one of the relatively small cases), as well as the tradition and the mentality of the people.
    So as for the original question: no, there was no attempt to weaken the Middle East after WWI. There was something much worse: an attempt to build it on foundations that never really existed by people who were totally clueless about what they were doing. The house of cards they built held for a century under tyranny and fear; Now it all goes down in flames.
